Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Headline:  "I've never had this much money in this game" or "Amanda Sharpe, anime folk hero!"

Ancient One
Atlach-Nacha - looks the most like Trump!

Patrice Hathaway, the Violinist - Suz (In honor of Rachelle, who is too sick to play :(  )
Amanda Sharpe "The Co-ed", the Student - Rob
Joe Diamond, the Private Investigator ("And in this one, he's a little crooked") - Justin

End of Game
We beat the AO!  It took a very long time for him to awaken.  We only attacked twice, and he attacked us only once, taking an Ally.

House Rules/Game Setup
New setup on the table!  I'll try to post a picture.

AO specifically chosen because he looks like Trump.
Herald, Guardian, and Institution all chosen to suit the President-Elect.

We chose any investigator we wanted, out of all investigators.  
We think we'll end up fighting him, since sealing gates will be too difficult.  Justin holds out hope that we can close all of the gates.

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions
Chosen to align most closely with the impending Trump administration:

Herald:  Father Dagon (fishy, untrustworthy, and has "plans in motion" - "the Putin of the spirit world," according to Justin)
Institution:  Organized Crime (duh)
Guardian:  Hypnos (is this all a bad dream?)

  *  Roll to see who'd go first:  1-Rob, 2-Suz, 3-Justin
  *  Patrice and Amanda go shopping at the Curiositie Shoppe because their personal stories both require them to draw Unique Items (Patrice - 2, Amanda - 3)
  *  We are all doing very well with money (thank you, Organized Crime)
  *  Patrice ends the game with 27 clue tokens.  She gives them all to Amanda, who grapples the AO and empties her shotgun into it.
  *  We were in Other Worlds at the same time often, even benefiting from not being in Arkham for a negative Mythos effect.
  *  A rumor came and went, thanks to our Egyptian artifacts.
  *  MANY (3-4?) Mythos cards came out that only caused monster surges and no gates/doom tokens being added.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Headline:  "Bokrug, we will come back for you!"

Ancient One

Investigators (in the order they were chosen)
Lola Hayes, the Actress - Justin
Monterey Jack, the Archaeologist - Susan
George Barnaby, the Lawyer - Rob
Jenny Barnes, the Dilettante - Justin
William Yorick, the Gravedigger - Susan
Kate Winthrop, the Scientist - Rob

End of Game
We got tired.  6/12 or 13 doom tokens, and we were pooped.

House Rules/Game Setup
Justin selected Bokrug because we had never played him before.

Rob randomly selected 6 investigators, and we took turns selecting two each, ala gym class.
This was a fun, new way to choose the investigators.

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions

  *  Hound of Tindolos was the first monster drawn...
*  Due to the monster trophies he starts with, Yorrick was able to complete his personal story on the first turn by being blessed.
*  My lawyer is tainted, wanted and his allies get devoured... I think he is Better Call Sal.-Rob

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Headline:  "Gates or Death?"

Ancient One

Wendy Adams, the Urchin - Susan
Patrice Hathaway, the Violinist - Rachelle
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer - Rob
Diana Stanley, the Reformed Occultist - Justin ("Or so she claims!")

End of Game
6 gates sealed, 9/13 doom tokens

House Rules/Game Setup
Rachelle selected Nyogtha because we had never played him before.We randomly selected the AO and decided to keep it.

Each player chose his/her own character.

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions

  *  The Hound of Tindolos is ridiculous!  Don't mess with that.
  *  Patrice had a lot of friends riding on the motorcycle with her.
  *  Diana had 9 monster trophies (monsters, not toughness) by the end of game.
  *  Wendy had 4 gate trophies by the end of game.
  *  We discarded a second rumor, and the first never was activated.
  *  There's a really sucky card that gets rid of all of the clue tokens on the board.
  *  There's a really cool card that would let you summon the AO and lower the number of doom tokens on its track.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Headline:  "Ellie's First Arkham Horror Game"

Ancient One
Nyogtha, Tendrils from Below

Akachi Onyele, the Shaman - Susan
Darrell Simmons, the Photographer - Robbi (left after several turns)
Patrice Hathaway, the Violinist - Rachelle (did you have to ask? ;) )
Ursula Downs, the Explorer - Young James (started on 3rd turn)
Wendy Adams, the Urchin - Rob
Silas Marsh, the Sailor - Justin (started on 4th turn)

End of Game
1.  Silas Marsh passes his personal story, seals the last gate, and is devoured.
If we kept playing...
2.  Ursula comes back from The Underworld and closes and seals the gate.

House Rules/Game Setup
Rachelle selected Nyogtha because we had never played him before.

Each player was given 4 investigators to choose from.

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions

  *  Susan was the first player on the first turn.  She encountered a Leng Spider, used all of her skills and cards, and couldn't beat it (needed 2 successes, had many dice, used Patrice's clues, ultimately did not succeed).  Got injured.  An auspicious beginning...
  *  Rob, to Robbi:  "Injuries are fun!  Just ask Susan..."
     Susan:  "What?  I can't hear you."  (Hearing Loss Injury)
  *  Silas Marsh, monster curbstomper extraordinaire, made a very lovely fingerpainting while recovering at the Asylum. It inspires children to this day.
  *  Ursula learned from being lost in Atlantic City of the Great Race and found Find Gate!
  *  Wendy Adams hung out in the Woods a lot and finally achieved their goal of becoming a bona fide gang member
  *  Committing an act of benevolent terrorism, Wendy Adams' bomb spectacularly failed to explode. At all. Due to the other investigators totally stealing the glory
  *  Wendy placed her time bomb, called a cultist to get killed by it, and gave Ursula the Elder Sign on her way into The Underworld (Ursula was on her way out).  They had a touching interaction, discussing female badassery, and Wendy stole a bunch of Ursula's shit (derringer and kerosene).
  *  4 hour game

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Headline:  "lots of people got injured and devoured."  or "it's good to have a plan at the beginning."

Ancient One

Trish Scarborough, the Spy - Susan (new person!)
Charlie Kane, the Politician - Susan (new person!)
Wilson Richards, the Handyman - Rachelle
Carolyn Fern, the Psychologist - Rachelle
Lola Hayes, the Actress - Rob
Silas Marsh, the Sailor - Rob
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer - Rob

End of Game
We beat him!  (sorta)

House Rules/Game Setup
Rachelle randomly selected 3 Ancient Ones, and Susan selected 
Ghatanothoa from those three.  We had not played against him yet.

We elected not to use Heralds, Guardians, or Institutions.

We each chose two characters from all of them.

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions

  *  Silas got devoured by Ghatanothoa!  He picked up 3 clues when going to Devil Reef.
  *  Luke never made it out of the Dreamlands...
  *  Rob went to bed at 8 or 9 doom tokens.  It was a long and rough game for him, full of bad luck.
  *  Lola, Charlie, and Wilson made it to the end.  They fought hard.  They would not have lasted one more AO attack.
  *  Unfortunately, we didn't exactly read the AO's card carefully:  "Each investigator's attack against G deals one less success than normal."  We probably should have lost.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

Headline:  "A Midwinter's Night Dream" or "We whipped it, we whipped it good"

Ancient One

Luke Robinson, the Dreamer - Susan
Amanda Sharpe, the Student - Rob
Joe Diamond, the Private Eye - Justin 
Patrice Hathaway, the Violinist - Rachelle
Mandy Thompson, the Researcher - Robbilee
Gloria Goldberg, the Author - "Young" James

End of Game
We closed and sealed 6 gates, with 10/11 doom tokens on the track.  That was a close one!

House Rules/Game Setup
Robbi randomly selected 3 Ancient Ones, and James selected Zhar from those three.  

Since this is James's first Arkham Horror game, and some of us are very tired (we're starting at 9pm), we elected not to use Heralds, Guardians, or Institutions.

We each chose a character of our choice, once we realized how tough Zhar was going to be (why do the new players always choose such tough AOs?).  Then we determined relationships:
Luke and Amanda:  Business Associates
Patrice and Mandy:  Socially Connected
Joe and Gloria:  Collectors

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions

  *  The game started with Justin and James dropping all of the little tokens on the floor.
*  Then Justin spent ~1 hour describing every aspect of the game to James in great detail.
*  Due to the rumor drawn on the 2nd turn, the 1st player ends up having to draw Innsmouth Look cards.  When it's Rob's turn, he has to draw THREE of them.
*  Rachelle's and Robbi's relationship comes in really handy - they end up getting a lot of Allies. It's pretty cool to be Socially Connected.  Rachelle had 3 allies in the end:  Anna, Ruby, and some other dude.
*  Rob exclaims "I'm just a sexy student, all I have is a professor!" in reference to how much money someone had during a play. All he has is professor Morgan.
*  For an extended period of time, we had the Environment (Mystic) Mythos card "Noden's Favor," which made it cost 2 fewer clue tokens to seal gates.  Woohoo!
*  Robbi wins the game as she rolls to close and seal the final gate.  Patrice gave Mandy a few clues to help out at the end.  Also of note, Robbi allowed Greta to sit on her lap for the final roll.  :)
*  While waiting around for the last few investigators to return to Arkham and close and seal the final gates, Luke and Gloria blessed a few other investigators.
*  Susan actually went insane from her bad luck, consistently missing horror check rolls.
*  "It was a wonderful experience," notes James.
*  "I'm sleepy," notes Rob.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Headline:  "Goat Game."

Ancient One

Ursula Downs, the Explorer - Susan
Roland Banks, the Fed - Rob
Carolyn "Tell Me About Your Mother" Fern, the Psychologist - Justin 
Marie Lambeau, the Entertainer - Rachelle

End of Game
We tried to seal gates, only got 5 (we were one turn away), and Shub woke up.  
We fought hard and lost good men and women along the way.  
Roland Banks was the first to go, being tired after single-handedly defeating the Dunwich Horror.
Ursula followed, screaming "Take Me Instead!"
The only memory remaining of Carolyn Fern were patrons of Hibb's Roadhouse who complained she was a sore loser, having threatened them with a flamethrower rather than paying up at a card game.
Marie saved the day, with one final possible dice throw that had the one necessary success.

House Rules/Game Setup
Rob specifically chose Shub-Niggurath and the corresponding Herald, Black Goat of the Woods.

Based on that, Justin and Rob chose Hypnos as Guardian and The Bureau of Investigations as Institution.

We each chose a character from four dealt at random.  Then we determined relationships:
Ursula and Roland – Take Me Instead
Carolyn and Marie – Hunted

Expansions in play
Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
Dunwich Horror
The King in Yellow
Kingsport Horror
The Black Goat of the Woods
Innsmouth Horror
The Lurker at the Threshold

Heralds, Guardians, and Institutions
Black Goat of the Woods
The Bureau of Investigations

It was a tough game, with lots of twists and turns.  It looked bleak for a while, but there was always a glimmer of hope, as Rob reminded us.